Have you ever dreamed of becoming a wedding planner and didn’t know where to start? 

Do you wake up everyday dreading going to work? 

Join our LIVE classes and learn the true in’s and out’s about wedding planning. We provide you with customized and LIVE feedback that speaks to your direct needs and desires of creating your business. There are hundreds of wedding planning courses that furnishes the basics all of which can be found on Google. We don't just give you a book to download and send you on your way. I will discuss how I was able to leave my 9-5 job and turned my struggling business into a lucrative endeavor that I enjoy getting up to everyday!!

Color Me Successful Wedding And Event Training Program
Create And Launch Your Dream Wedding And Event Planning Business In 5 Weeks

Yes, I Want To Attend!

What You Will Learn:

-How I went from booking $10k weddings to 6 figure weddings 
-LIVE weekly Q&A meetings with personal feedback from me
-Learn step by step instructions on how to become a wedding and event planner.
- VIP Facebook Support Group During Your Process
- How social media has changed the way we do business 
- Addressing myths and misconceptions when creating your business 
- How to properly legalize your business
- Create wedding planning packages
- Learn all of my trial and errors to avoid
- How to break down event design